过滤除尘器是利用微孔超细纤维滤布分离气体和微细粉尘,乃至亚微米尘埃的主要设备。适用于化工、食品、医药、电力、冶金、水泥等行业。按用途可分为气力输送系统用过滤除尘器和料仓顶用过滤除尘器。按结构分可分为滤袋式除尘器和滤筒式除尘器,过滤材料主要有纤维、 普通毡料、 聚酯、芳纶、聚酯布 、特氟龙、涤纶、 丙纶、腈纶以及覆膜滤料。
Dust collector is designed to separate superfine particle or even sub-micron dust from process gas with micropore fiber material. It is widely applied to chemical industries, polymer, medicine, electric power,It can be also divided into bag filter and cartridge filter according to structure. Filter material is mainly made of fibre, common felt, felt with Tex, polyester, Nomex, polymer cloth, Teflon, terylene, Plypropylene.