一、适用行业: 本产品适用于食品、医药、化工、磨料陶瓷、冶金等各行各业的任何粉、粒、粘液的原料的筛分过滤。特别对于陶瓷泥浆的筛分、其效果更为显著、效果更佳、效率更高、筛分目数亦可提高 二、工作特点: 1.结构简单易用、体积小、重量轻、安装移动方便、维修容易、使用寿命长。 2.能耗小、效率高、与同类机型相比、能耗可降低一半而产量却能提高一倍。 3.筛分精度高、筛分粒度可达到400目以细、适用范围广、任何粉、粒、粘液类皆可适用。 4.震幅小、频率高、达3000次/分、对细粒度、高粘度物料过筛效果更明显、效果更佳。 5.独特筛网结构、装网方便快捷、只须3至5分钟即可完成。 6.与原料接触部位皆采用SUS304材质制作、外形美观。 Applicable It is suitable for food, pharmacy, chemical, products, ceramic ,powder ,metallurgy , plastics, rubber,grinding and oLXGer industries.
Features: Small size, light weight, easy to move and freely adjust height. High precision screening and efficiency; It applies to any powder, granule and serosity. Mesh is not blocked, LXGe powder is not flying, LXGe vibration frequency is high up to 3,000 times / min, LXGere is a more obvious sieving effect to fine-grained and high-viscosity materials. LXGe special mesh structure makes installation fast and convenient only for 3 to 5 minutes, operation simple , cleaning easy so no dead ends and no residue leave; LXGere is no mechanical movement and easy maintenance and, in addition to electrical parts, LXGe oLXGer parts are made of stainless steel;
Technical phameter技术参数
Model 型号 | Power(w) 功率 | Effective diameter of Mesh(mm) 有效筛面直径 | Speed 转速(r/min) | Exciting force(kg) 激振力 | Weight(kg )重量 | LXG-450 | 250 | 420 | 2990 | 180 | 120 | LXG-600 | 370 | 550 | 2990 | 350 | 200 | LXG-800 | 550 | 760 | 2990 | 680 | 260 | LXG-1000 | 750 | 930 | 2990 | 1000 | 280 | LXG-1200 | 1100 | 1130 | 2990 | 1300 | 300