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德国维博尔振动和工艺技术有限公司 品牌名称: VIBRA维博尔振动筛
公司名称: 德国维博尔振动和工艺技术有限公司
诞生地: 德国
公司网址: http://www.vibra-schultheis.com


         德国维博尔振动和工艺技术有限公司在1948年由Wilhelm Schultheis先生成立。从那时开始我们就专注于振动筛和填实设备的生产制造。自成立以来在六十多年的发展过程中,VIBRA SCHULTHEIS用出色的技术革新在业界赢得了非常良好的声誉,并在世界范围内成为众多化工、医药、食品、塑料企业的知名合作伙伴。1970年,公司的创始人将日常的公司运营传给了下一代 (也叫Wilhelm Schultheis);渐渐地,Schultheis家族的第三代——Winfried Schultheis和Manfred Schultheis先生也开始执掌公司,成为公司的执行董事。

  • 1948 开始生产第一台振动设备
  • 1960 开始生产电磁振动激荡器
  • 1968 开发出用于冷却和干燥功能的全套冷却设备
  • 1978 开始生产马达振动电机
  • 1989 开发并生产出基于现代流化床技术的烘烤设备
  • 1992 开始扩建位于Utzberg/Weimar新生产车间
  • 1996 开发出用于塑料行业的高效筛分和冷却输送机
  • 1996 建成一套全新的实验车间
  • 1997 开发出共振流化床干燥机,流化板面积可达30平方米,最大程度的方便了生产人员的操作
  • 2000 开发出频率可控的新型ERF系列振动器
  • 2001 进一步发展共振输送机,将其模块化、系统化
  • 2008 开发出带振动旋转盘输送机的结晶专利技术
维博尔 - 产品系列
  • 振动设备
  • 工艺处理系统

Wilhelm Schultheis and Winfried Schultheis (Managing Directors)


In more than 50 intervening years since the very first vibrating machines were delivered, VIBRA SCHULTHEIS has earned an excellent reputation for innovation and emerged as an internationally recognized partner of the chemical and food industries in the field of vibration technology and process engineering.

Our company was founded in 1948 by Wilhelm Schultheis in Offenbach am Main. Right from the start, we specialized in the manufacture of products for screening and compacting.

Since 1965 the company has been managed by the founder\'s son, also named Wilhelm Schultheis.

The third generation has been represented on the management board by Winfried Schultheis since 1996.


Important milestones on the route to our present product range:

  • 1948 Manufacture of the first vibrating machines (screening, compacting)
  • 1960 Manufacture of electromagnetic vibrators
  • 1968 Equipment of complete cold rooms for freeze drying plants
  • 1978 Start of production of vibrating motors
  • 1989 Planning and delivery of ultra-modern fluid-bed roasting plants
  • 1992 Start of production at our second location in Utzberg/Weimar
  • 1992 Development of vibrating monitors to monitor and control vibrating machines
  • 1996 Development of highly efficient, vibrating, screening and cooling conveyors for the plastics industry
  • 1996 Construction of our new, state-of-the-art pilot plant
  • 1997 Development of natural-frequency fluid-bed dryers with a fluidizing plate of up to 30 m² offering maximum operator convenience and compliance with a high sanitary standard
  • 2000 Development of electromagnetically activated vibrating conveyors with frequency control
  • 2001 Expansion of our production location in Utzberg/Weimar
  • 2001 Development of a modular system of natural-frequency conveyors

Our company\'s success is rooted in collaborative partnerships with our customers as well as in the awareness of every single employee that the ultimate goal of each individual step is customer satisfaction.

We present our products at trade fairs in Germany and abroad and we have been a regular exhibitor at ACHEMA, the world\'s largest fair / congress for chemical processing equipment, ever since 1955.

夏先生:VIBRA 已经在上海建立代表处啦。...(2011-07-26)
陈工:长期经销VIBRA振动筛 配件 15260812150 qq2690799849 欢迎来电...(2012-10-26)
Mr. Qi Haitao:When we can get your offer about the screens of vibrating machines. Pls give us an offe......(2012-10-29)
仝少强:我们是专业制作激振器的,斯科德激振器,寻找合作伙伴!151 3134 4522......(2015-12-21)
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