德国JOEST公司是一家具有90多年历史的机械行业的老牌生产厂家,他的产品设计矿山机械行业、钢铁 机械行业、环保机械行业、化工机械行业、港口机械行业、食品机械行业等等。在世界机械制造范围内有很高的声誉,成为全球最著名的振动给料机和振动筛的制造商之一。南非的金矿基地,欧洲主要港口,日本,韩国等亚洲港口和电厂都使用德国JOEST公司的产品。
在振动系统上,JOEST公司已经有超过八十年的行业经验。 在配合各类生产的需求时,JOEST公司多样的振动、传动系统能够快速,高效的配合客户的需求并及时解决客户的问题。所有JOEST的振动机械全部使用符合国际化标准的钢材和配套件。所有机械全部在德国、澳大利亚原厂制造。
Bulk handling is our strength, vibration technology is our principle. A flexible, medium-scale enterprise, with comprehensive experience in vibration systems. JOEST engineers solve problems with creative and innovative developments. JOEST supplies sophisticated machines and systems for conveying, screening, metering and thermal preparation processes. JOEST machines are in reliable operation in all sectors of industry and in all parts of the world. A total of more than 250 highly motivated staff around the world ensure quality, dependability and perfect service for industry. |
Vibrating systems have been JOEST\'s core capability for more than eighty years. Optimum combination of vibratory drive systems and machines developed and produced at JOEST provide the basis for practice-proven solutions. Unceasing Research & Development enables JOEST to adapt to the continuously rising demands of the market. Vibratory machines and systems for practically all industrial sectors are made in production areas totaling more than 40,000 square meters. Machines in standard steels and special grades are produced in separate shops. |
地址:200233 上海市漕河泾开发区古美路1515号19号楼凤凰楼805室
英文地址:No.1515 Gumei Road,Building 19,Room805 200233 Shanghai China
电话: (86) 021/54795325 (86) 021/54452196
传真: (86) 021/54795326
E-Mail: joest-china@126.com