Conn-Weld 美国康威德实业公司成立于1975年,制造定制化、设计好的水平振动筛、倾斜筛、香蕉筛、脱水筛以及离心机和离心筛。另外,该公司还制造剖面筛、剖面离心筛、尿烷筛以及弧形筛。这些设备用于各种行业,包括煤炭、焦煤、砂以及砾石、纸浆和造纸、食品加工、酿造和蒸馏、湿谷物碾磨等。Conn-Weld的产品体积一般都很大,非常复杂,有些产品的紧固件多达2,000个。Conn-Weld还制造定制化机械,比如用于制造其产品的机床和焊接机。

Conn-Weld\\\\\\\'s Philosophy
When Conn-Weld was founded in 1975, our philosophy and goal was to serve the customer by offering a quality product, produced in a timely fashion backed by dependable service.
As we look back and analyze our outstanding growth, two words come to mind, "persistence and commitment."
Persistence in developing our own wire mill to assure you the customer of our commitment to quality by producing a consistent wire supply that will withstand tough abrasive application time after time.
Persistence in the design and development of vibrating equipment, profile screens and urethane screens tailored to fit the size ranges you need to separate or dewater your product and make your plant operate more efficiently.
Persistence through the use of advanced design and quality workmanship in products that are innovative, reliable, and committed to do the job we say they will do.
Persistence in after-sale support to ensure the customer of our commitment to your goals of greater productivity and higher profits.
Conn-Weld understands systems and plant operating problems. We know how to make screens work with other cleaning, classifying, and processing components. We have diversified our product line and expertise to serve all customers in all industries. Conn-Weld has succeeded where others have failed because of our determination, relentless pursuit of excellence and customer orientation.
Throughout the years, changes have taken place in the industry. In both the good and the difficult times, we have never lost sight of our philosophy and goals. We owe our success to you and we will continue to serve you in the future based on this philosophy of quality, know-how, and service.